$25 deposit for booking appointment. These 25 dollars will go towards your total. This fee also becomes the cancellation fee if cancellation isn’t done under 24 hours from appointment. Please allow practitioner to arrive and begin setting up 15-20 minutes before scheduled appointment.
- Have two clean bedsheets with one pillow case. Twin bed sheets fit standard travel table best.
- Only service pets allowed in the premise if getting Acupuncture. Pets are allowed on the table and around the premise during massages.
Cupping (Treatment Add-On)
Other modalities
Includes: Electric Stimulation (e-stim), Moxibustion, Gua Sha, and Bleeding techniques
Feel like never before
Travel Prices
Travel - $1.00/mile from Blue Island, IL to location
Acupuncture (First Visit)
90 Minutes
Acupuncture (Recurring)
60 Minutes Treatment
Massage (60 Minutes)
Massage (75 Minutes)
Massage (90 Minutes)